Friday, February 26, 2010

T-1 and counting

Tomorrow, PiC and OSO and I start on our elimination diet. We're following the one on Whole Life Nutrition, and hoping that there will be some definite answers.

After a particularly painful couple of days, I realized that I needed some way to figure out how it was that I would randomly feel like I have the flu without any fever. Symptoms tend to follow not insignificantly what is listed out for Fibromyalgia, something I really HATE the idea of having because it has in the past seemed so flippin' trendy. But as I have witnessed in the past, one day like this can completely derail me for months again before I can get the gumption to start exercising again.

So this is the start of it. In the research I've done about fibro, it seems that it is sleep and diet related, the things that make it flare. Okay then, since food is the fuel for everything we do including sleeping, and I know that I sleep better when I'm exercising regularly, let's see if we can tackle the one area I've never really manged to control before.

Hence why the whole household is going on it. We talked about it pretty extensively, and OSO totally hopped on board immediately, as she has her own issues that she's looking to correct as well. PiC has been a little slower to buy in, mostly because it's going to take longer than he had intended and he has to do things like give up his beloved Tea. But it's multually supportive. And there's the challenge of all sorts of new recipes to try. So, we'll see.

We also gave ourselves quite a bit of leadtime to get used to the idea. This week I've been saying goodbye to some of my favorite foods that I won't be having for a couple of months. Wine somewhat, but mostly wheat products. I'm actually terrified that I'm going to find that wheat is the main culprit in the aggrivation, as it is not all that uncommon. And I have some serious love for the bread. Three months without bread is going to be quite the challenge for me.

My hope though is that at the end of the two week "detox" where we have most of the allergens removed from the diet to see what it is that we react to, that I will feel excellent and on top of that it will start to be warm and clear enough up here that I can at least test drive a bike that can be ready by the beginning of April to start being a crap biker. :)

First steps. It's going to be a rough week, next week. And I'm not going to have my normal food coping mechanisms (Wow, typing that out, I can definitely SEE my distorted relationship with food. Even better that I'm doing this then).

This is going to be interesting.

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